I have the sweetest friend. Her name is Holley. She is an amazing writer. And encourager. I've linked to her a lot on my family blog. And you can read her amazing-ness for yourself here.
Holley was my table mentor in a bible study last year where we were encouraged to develop a life mission statement. Valuing beauty in all things that I do, I created myself a little bookmark reminding me daily to stick to my mission. And now, she has asked me to create something very similar for the readers of her blog, Heart to Heart with Holley. How fun!!!
Here are the designs that I have created for her readers.
Red, Black and White
(front) (back)
Pink & Orange
(front) (back)
Green & White
(front) (back)
If you are one of her readers and would like me to customize a bookmark for you, I would LOVE to do so! Just email me at mandytharelbaker@gmail.com, let me know which design you want and we'll get started! Holley and I discussed the price point and decided on $15. But of course, for Holley's readers we're offering a discounted price of $12.50.
Thanks, Holley, for this opportunity, and I hope to get to meet some of your readers! *M